Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
August 2024
“Please be advised that the settlement process for the Pitcairn Islands is currently under review and no applications will be received during this period.”
General Information
Pitcairn is one of the most isolated islands in the world. There is no airport on the island. The supply ship 'MV Silver Supporter' delivers supplies and materials quarterly from New Zealand.
When you travel on board the MV Silver Supporter via Mangareva, French Polynesia, you will be at sea for at least two nights before arriving at Pitcairn Island. You can view MV Silver Supporter’s current shipping schedule here.
All travel enquiries should be directed to the Pitcairn Travel Coordinator.
GPI - Government of Pitcairn Islands
PIO - Pitcairn Islands Office
Subsidised Travel on the GPI Charter Vessel for Approved New migrants
Approved new migrants are entitled to travel between Pitcairn / Mangareva and/or New Zealand at the subsidised local rate of NZ$500 per person, each way.
How do people travel to/from Pitcairn?
The Government of Pitcairn Islands charters a passenger/cargo vessel. This currently carries supplies and passengers to the island. To view the Shipping Schedule Click Here.
What is the population of Pitcairn?
There are currently less than 50 people living on Pitcairn Island, including both permanent residents and expatriate contracted staff and their partners.
What is the climate like?
Pitcairn's average summer temperature ranges from 20-30 degrees centigrade. In winter it can drop as low as 17 degrees centigrade. The humidity ranges from 60-90% all year round. Winter temperatures can be felt from May to October. Roads and walkways can become very muddy and slippery after heavy rain and the island can become tinder dry and very dusty during dry periods.
What religions are practiced on Pitcairn?
A Seventh-day Adventist mission was established in the 1890s and Seventh Day Adventism remains the main religion on Pitcairn. However, all faiths are welcome as part of the community, and visitors and new settlers are always welcome at the church. The Sabbath (Saturday) is observed as the day of rest by most Pitcairn Islanders.
I have a disability, can I still move to Pitcairn?
The Government of Pitcairn Island does not discriminate on the grounds of disability. However, you should be aware of several factors with regard to access and services. The terrain on Pitcairn is rough, with very steep hills, a lot of dirt tracks and few paved roads. Transport is generally either on foot or by quad bike. It is recommended you discuss your particular requirement with our resident Doctor before applying for settlement.
Do I have to visit Pitcairn before applying for settlement?
You can apply for settlement on Pitcairn at any time and a visit is not required. However, moving to Pitcairn is a big step and we encourage you to find out as much as possible about Pitcairn before applying for settlement; visiting is a good way of doing this. You can visit without a visa for up to 14 days, while long-term visit visas are valid for up to 6 months.
Can I bring my children to settle on Pitcairn?
Yes you can. We encourage families with children to apply and there are no restrictions on families with children coming to live on Pitcairn. If you wish to settle on Pitcairn with children under the age of 18 you should contact the Deputy Governor, who will provide further information. A children’s welfare charter is in operation to ensure children’s safety and wellbeing on the island.
Can I get married on Pitcairn?
Yes, it is possible to marry on Pitcairn. Same sex couples are also welcome on Pitcairn and can legally marry. Please ask the Administrator for further details: administrator@pitcairn.gov.pn
Is there a school on Pitcairn?
Yes, Pulau School provides pre-school and primary education for resident children. The New Zealand curriculum is taught. Teachers are appointed as required. Higher Education from 13 years is usually completed at boarding school in New Zealand: qualifying criteria apply for subsidised attendance.
If I move to Pitcairn am I entitled to a British Passport?
No. Permanent residence on Pitcairn does not lead to eligibility for a British passport.
How will my possessions get to Pitcairn?
A supply ship carries freight to Pitcairn every three months. If your application for settlement is successful we will provide full information about shipping your goods to Pitcairn.
Approved new migrants are entitled to the subsidised freight cost of NZ$350 per cubic within their 2 year (non-consecutive) permanent residency period on household goods shipped to Pitcairn for settlement.
Approved new migrants, who wish to build their first home (within their 2 year non-consecutive permanent residency period) are entitled to the subsidised freight cost of NZ$350 per cubic meter. This rate applies to all building /construction materials, fittings and tools. This provision excludes water tanks which are freight free.
After new migrants have been granted permanent residency, they continue to be entitled subsidised freight costs of NZ$350 per cubic meter. This provision excludes water tanks which remain freight free.
Container Shipping – Size Requirements
Only 6ft Containers are permissible for freighting goods from NZ to Pitcairn on the GPI chartered vessel. This being due to Pitcairn’s limited unloading facilities and health and safety requirements for longboat crew and landing personnel. Goods too large for 6ft containers are managed as break-bulk.
Are there shops on Pitcairn?
Built in 2020, with funds from the European Union, the Pamai Centre in Adamstown is the central place of business for Pitcairn Islanders. It houses the Pitcairn Island Post Office, the Government Treasury Office and the Pitcairn Island General Store.
Building materials can be purchased from the General Store and/or ordered from New Zealand for delivery on a quarterly basis.
Does Pitcairn have Internet, phone and television?
Yes, there is internet on the island, all homes and government buildings have their own Starlink Terminal.
There is no Cellular service for mobile phones however international communications are easily achievable via mobile phone apps like Messenger, Viber, WhatsApp etc. There are two mobile satellite phones on Pitcairn for emergency use only, should the main telecommunications system fail.
There is 1 Free-to-air Television Station at present, ABC from Australia however entertainment and news can be streamed easily via the internet.
What medical facilities are available?
The island has a well-appointed health clinic staffed by a contracted Doctor and a local Enrolled Nurse. It contains a well-stocked pharmacy. The clinic opens three mornings a week but the Doctor and Nurse are available on call at all times in case of emergency. The medical team is able to deal with most day to day issues and minor emergencies but serious or acute conditions may require the patient to be sent to Tahiti or New Zealand for treatment.
New approved migrants are required to provide evidence of private medical/travel insurance prior to travelling to Pitcairn. Private travel/medical insurance must be maintained by approved new migrants throughout their 2 year (non-consecutive) permanent residency period see GPI Health Centre Operational Policy.
New approved Migrants are required to pay full costs for treatment and medications at the Pitcairn Island Health Centre through-out their 2 year (non-consecutive) permanent residency period.
Can I Register and Operating a Business on Pitcairn?
Approved new migrants may register and operate a business on Pitcairn from the time they first arrive at Pitcairn and begin their 2-year permanent residency period.
Where can I live when I first get to Pitcairn?
The following options exist for providing existing accommodation for new migrants when they first arrive at Pitcairn should they not have family living on Pitcairn:
Temporary home-stay accommodation with a local family can be arranged by the applicant. There are also a few private self-catering rental options available. Accommodation can be found at www.visitpitcairn.pn
The local Council encourages accommodation providers/homeowners and prospective tenants to establish mutually agreeable and sustainable long-term arrangements that works for both parties. However, it is recognised such arrangements are private.
Short-term government accommodation options are also available for rent. The availability and arrangements for tenancy will be determined by the Pitcairn Council and HMG Administrator.
New migrants are required to make application, in writing, to the Pitcairn Council for possible short-term government accommodation if needed in advance of arriving or returning to the island, within their 2-year (non-consecutive) settlement period.
New migrants are not permitted to camp on non-residential land or Council managed land whilst awaiting home land application approval. This being due to fire risk management and health and safety.
New migrants may camp on land occupied by an existing, resident homeowner if given permission to do so, for an agreed period.
What is the plan for the future of Pitcairn?
The UK Government is committed to working with the people of Pitcairn to develop a sustainable future for the community. Attracting new immigrants is key to building Pitcairn’s future.
How much money do I need to have to move to Pitcairn?
Anyone wishing to settle on Pitcairn must have evidence of sufficient funding available to support them and any dependents until they gain permanent residence.
What sort of evidence of funds will I need to provide?
Normally six months’ bank statements, savings accounts, credit card statements or other evidence of assets in your name, may be requested. The Deputy Governor will ask you for this once you have submitted your application for settlement and paid your application fee.
Can I receive public funds i.e. benefits?
If you move to Pitcairn you will need to have sufficient funds to support yourself for your two year settlement period until your permanent residency is approved. You are able to work on Pitcairn under a settlement visa. There are no unemployment benefits on Pitcairn Island. The qualification period for a Pitcairn pension is five years from being granted settlement, provided you have resided on Pitcairn throughout that time.
Medical Treatment & Medication Costs
New approved migrants are required to provide evidence of private medical/travel insurance prior to travelling to Pitcairn. Private travel/medical insurance must be maintained by approved new migrants throughout their 2 year (non-consecutive) permanent residency period.
New approved Migrants are required to pay full costs for treatment and medications at the Pitcairn Island Health Centre through-out their 2 year (non-consecutive) permanent residency period.
What currency is used on Pitcairn?
All government transactions are carried out using the New Zealand Dollar - this includes the store, medical centre, utility bills etc.
Private enterprise, including Pitcairn Island Accommodation costs and local souvenirs, are generally priced in US Dollars. You can access cash on credit cards and exchange currency at the Government Treasury. There is a 5% fee for credit card transactions.
Building a Home
I would like to build my own house, is this possible?
Yes. Once your settlement application is approved and you have arrived on Pitcairn you can apply to the Pitcairn Island Council for a new migrant home land site. To construct your home you may like to employ local labour, work on the project yourself or bring in an external contractor.
How much is it to buy land on Pitcairn?
Land is granted on a leasehold basis and there is currently no charge. New Migrant Home Land Applications may be made to Island Council at any time within the 2 (non-consecutive permanent residency period. However, a request will not be progressed until such time as the applicant(s) are on-island.
A New Migrant Home land site, held by the Pitcairn Council for a new migrant, will be no bigger than 1500 sqm.
1500 sqm is large enough to build a comfortable home with a domestic garden and orchard.
When the Lands Court grants land, to the Pitcairn Council for a new migrant, the land’s title is held by the Pitcairn Council, for the new migrant(s), until such time as they reach their 2-year permanent residency requirement. When new migrants have resided on Pitcairn for 2 (non-consecutive) years they will receive formal notification, from the Governor, stating they have been granted permanent residency. At that time they can apply to the Pitcairn Council to have the land title transferred to their name.
The PItcairn Council will not apply to the Lands Court, for a LAT, on any other type of land category, for a new migrant, under this policy, including business or commercial land.
On average how much does it cost to build a house on Pitcairn?
Costs will vary depending on the size and type of dwelling and the materials used.
A Home Loan Scheme is available on attractive terms to first-time home builders, providing up to NZ$60,000 to cover purchases of materials and freight costs. This is subject to qualifying criteria.
When approved new migrants have completed their 2-year (non-consecutive) settlement period they are eligible to access the GPI Home and Personal Loans schemes.
Are there builders/electricians/plumbers etc. on island who could build me a house?
There are a number of skilled trades-people on the island who have assisted in house building in the past and could be approached on a private basis.
Do I have to settle on Pitcairn permanently or can I come for 6 months to work?
You can apply for a long term visitor visa. There is no requirement for those with a long term visitor visa to settle on the island.
Do I need a visa to work on Pitcairn?
Short or long-term visitors and those approved for settlement may apply for advertised work positions on Pitcairn. Only short or long-term visitors must apply, in writing, to the Pitcairn Island Council, via the Island Secretary for a Work Permit. A fee of NZ$50 applies payable at the GT Office.
Do I need to work if I move to Pitcairn?
If you are able to support yourself financially there is no requirement to find work.
Do I need to have certain skills to move to Pitcairn?
No, however, Pitcairn would like its settlers to be able to contribute to the island’s sustainable future. As Pitcairn is isolated geographically, many residents are multi-skilled.
What sort of work is available on Pitcairn?
Pitcairn Island offers private enterprise opportunities, externally-funded project work, and public sector work. However, there is no guarantee that Government jobs will be available and residents are encouraged to consider private enterprise. Government jobs include manual jobs, skilled trades, administrative, management jobs and social welfare jobs. Project work may include construction, road-building, and development of tourism infrastructure. Private sector opportunities exist in agriculture, apiculture, tourism and other areas. In addition, many community members make and sell curios and souvenirs to visiting cruise ships, visitors and the Pitkern Artisan Gallery.
What is the retirement age on Pitcairn?
In accordance with age equality legislation there is no compulsory retirement age on Pitcairn. Some islanders do take the option to retire at 65. Pensions are paid from the age of 65 for qualifying individuals.
Applying / Next Steps
Do I need a visa to visit Pitcairn?
You do not need a visitor visa if you intend to stay for less than 14 days. If you wish to stay longer you will need to apply for a long term visitor visa, which is valid for up to six months, or a business visa. Applications can be found Here.
Do I have to have a sponsor?
No. But if you do have a sponsor on Pitcairn Island please give details about them on the Settlement Application form.
How long does it take to process a settlement application?
Following your application, if all documents are in order and you have paid the application fee. The Deputy Governor will issue a written response to the applicant to set a time for a settlement interview, explaining the interview process, timeframes involved and requesting any required financial evidence. This will happen within approximately 60 working days.
If your interview is successful, you will normally be informed in writing, of the outcome within 5 working days
Is there a charge for settlement applications?
Yes. The current fee is NZ$500 per person. This is non-refundable, regardless of the outcome of the application. Therefore, please make sure you consider your application carefully before applying and include all relevant information on your form.
What are the criteria for settlement on Pitcairn?
Under the Immigration Control Ordinance, applicants for settlement must demonstrate that they have arranged adequate accommodation in advance and have the means to construct a dwelling; that they will not be a burden on public funds for any reason including medical conditions and that they intend to remain permanently on Pitcairn Island for the indefinite future without retaining domicile in any other country. Applicants without any immediate family (spouse, parent, sibling or child) on Pitcairn also need to satisfy the Island Council and Governor that they are able to support themselves and their dependents; and that they have relevant skills to contribute to the community. In all cases the Governor must be satisfied that granting settlement entry clearance is likely to be in the public interest.
In practice, this will mean that applicants must show that they have sufficient funding and/or income to enable them and their dependents to live on Pitcairn Island for up to two years, which is the period before permanent residency can be granted. Insurance must be in place in case of the need for emergency medical evacuation.
In assessing the potential contribution to the community and public interest in settlement, the Immigration Officer, Council and Governor will take into account evidence of:
Relevant skills.
The age of the applicant(s), with priority given to young families and young, working-age couples.
Viable business ideas, in particular for business that will benefit the whole community.
Whether the applicant has undertaken research into what life on Pitcairn might be like; understands the challenges associated with living in a small, remote community, and has a positive attitude to life on the island. A prior visit to Pitcairn Island may be helpful to gain understanding of life here.
The applicant’s reason or motivation for moving to Pitcairn;
Good character, including whether the applicant or anyone included in the application has any criminal convictions or has provided any false information; and
Any other relevant matter.
In general, applications will be refused if they have failed to provide necessary documentation or include false representations or false documents; if they include any person with a criminal conviction for which they have been sentenced to imprisonment for 12 months or more, or with a history of deportation or provision of false information; or where the reason for seeking entry does not align with Pitcairn’s public interest.
Declaring Criminal Convictions
Those apply for settlement must attach a police certificate or letter from every jurisdiction in which they have resided in, disclosing whether they have any convictions and the nature of those convictions.
How do I apply for settlement?
Prospective applicants are encouraged to research and review this site before submitting a GPI Settlement Application.
Prospective applicants are encouraged to review the GPI Passenger Shipping Schedule Here to consider suitable travel dates and/or contact the GPI Travel Coordinator (see Contacts).
Applicants can download a Settlement Application form from Here
If more than one person is applying to live permanently on Pitcairn each should submit
Parents/Guardians can submit a Settlement Application on behalf of a minor (i.e., a person under the age of 18).
Applicants are required to send a scanned copy of their completed Settlement Application forms along with a scanned copy of their passport bio page to the PI-Immigration Officer and the PIO in the first instance (see Contacts and Annex A).
On receipt of a GPI Settlement Application the PIO and/or the PI-Immigration Officer will respond to the sender to advise their application has been received.
The PI Immigration Officer and the PIO will undertake an initial review of the application
If an application is deemed to be non-credible at this point it will be deleted and no- further correspondence will be entered into.
When an application is deemed credible the PIO will issue an invoice for payment of the GPI Settlement Application fee with payment instructions. The PIO and/or the PI Immigration Officer may request further documentation needed to complete any sections of the form which may have been missed.
If the GPI Settlement Application fee is not paid within 60 days the application will not be progressed.
On receipt of payment the reviewed GPI Settlement Application is submitted to the Pitcairn Island Council for consideration at the next available sitting of the Pitcairn Island Council. Following the determination of the Pitcairn Island Council the applicant will be advised about the status of their application i.e., that it has been either progressed to the next step or declined
The GPI is not obligated to provide a reason why a particular application has been declined.
When the Pitcairn Island Council recommends that a GPI Settlement Application be progressed to the next step the Island Secretary will advise the PI Immigration Officer of that decision. The PI Immigration Officer will convey this decision to the Deputy Governor, copying-in the mayor (as Chief Immigration Officer). On receipt of Council’s recommendation, the applicant will be contacted by the office of the Deputy Governor to progress the application and set a time for a settlement interview.
The settlement interview can take place in person, virtually or by phone. At that time applicants may be asked for further information, including evidence of income and (if applicable) information about the applicants identified sponsor.
Following the GPI Settlement Application interview, the Governor of the Pitcairn Islands will either approve or decline an application. Applicants will be informed in writing as to whether an application has been approved or declined.
The Governor is not obligated to provide a reason why a particular application has been declined.
When a GPI Settlement Application is approved the applicant will receive a letter from the Governor granting Entry Clearance to settle on Pitcairn.
Those approved for settlement are required, under the Pitcairn Island Immigration Control Ordinance, to arrive at Pitcairn within 12 months of the date of their letter of approval from the Governor.
Should an approved new migrant not be able to meet this requirement they must contact the PI Immigration Officer to discussion options (see Contacts). The PI Immigration Officer will pass this information to the Deputy Governor and the Pitcairn Island Council for consideration.